[Librem-5-dev] early feedback: issues encountered while running maps applications

rinigus rinigus.git at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 23:43:20 PDT 2019


thanks to Angus who was debugging the applications and there is a major
progress, but we are not yet in the perfect position.

As before, QML simple apps (hello world, raster map tiles) work.

Mapbox GL based map viewer with QML plugin now shows the map on start. Its
possible to zoom and pan, but Angus suspects that there is a memory leak
somewhere. On each operation more memory was consumed until it gets full
and then app freezes. He observed that CPU usage of 1  CPU went to 100% and
the whole system was effectively frozen. This is in contrast to Sailfish
and desktop Linux, as far as I can tell.

Guido requested "one-liner" or something simple for further testing. The
test described below is on the current version of Mapbox GL library. So, I
assume that something is wrong on devkit side and not in the version of
Mapbox GL that I am using (I can explain the differences and reasons for
using it as it is, but its probably now irrelevant).

So, the test, all run in the same shell session:

1: Install dependencies (not 100% sure if all is needed, but that worked)

sudo apt-get install qt5-default qtwayland5 curl automake libtool cmake
python-pip libsqlite3-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite

2: clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native.git

3: prepare for build

cd mapbox-gl-native
mkdir build && cd build

4: build

make mbgl-qt

5: run test (token will be sent separately)

./mbgl-qt -platform wayland

The test application should display map of Helsinki. You should be able to
zoom & pan the map.



On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 10:32 AM rinigus <rinigus.git at gmail.com> wrote:

> After 2 weeks of silence, bumping the thread and request for testing.
> Anyone with L5 devkit and wishing to help with map application
> development, please get in touch with me directly by email. I will send the
> required Mapbox access key and would be glad to help with testing.
> Essentially, all what's needed is installing few dependencies, DEBs
> compiled by me, and checking whether a primitive map application starts and
> allows you to pan/zoom the map.
> Rinigus
> On Sat, Jul 6, 2019 at 10:24 PM rinigus <rinigus.git at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> to work out whether Mapbox GL can run using native patched OpenGL
>> components, I cross-compiled for arm64 QMapboxGL library and QML bindings
>> to this library. Corresponding packaging repositories are
>> https://github.com/rinigus/deb-qmapboxgl
>> https://github.com/rinigus/deb-qml-module-mapboxmap
>> DEBs were compiled against Debian Buster chroot, without Purism changes.
>> But it should work through dynamic linking on devkit with pached OpenGL
>> libs.
>> For those who have few minutes for testing and don't mind downloading
>> DEBs, you could use DEBs at
>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CaiQl1Pwnj4gUGguq8NEKSmbw0hWIuu1
>> Install 2 of 3 debs (devel is not needed) and then clone on your device
>> https://github.com/rinigus/qmltest . Follow the README in that
>> repository for required dependencies. Either register at Mapbox or PM
>> (email, matrix) me for Mapbox token and run the test with
>> `map_mapboxglqml.qml` (see README how).
>> Cheers,
>> Rinigus
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