[Librem-5-dev] early feedback: issues encountered while running maps applications

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Thu Jul 25 03:17:49 PDT 2019

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 09:43:20AM +0300, rinigus via Librem-5-dev wrote:
> Morning,
> thanks to Angus who was debugging the applications and there is a major
> progress, but we are not yet in the perfect position.
> As before, QML simple apps (hello world, raster map tiles) work.
> Mapbox GL based map viewer with QML plugin now shows the map on start. Its
> possible to zoom and pan, but Angus suspects that there is a memory leak
> somewhere. On each operation more memory was consumed until it gets full
> and then app freezes. He observed that CPU usage of 1  CPU went to 100% and
> the whole system was effectively frozen. This is in contrast to Sailfish
> and desktop Linux, as far as I can tell.

We're leaking BOs in our current texture code for sure so it doesn't
surprise me. I have revising that part on my todo list after finishing
some other things.

> Guido requested "one-liner" or something simple for further testing. The
> test described below is on the current version of Mapbox GL library. So, I
> assume that something is wrong on devkit side and not in the version of
> Mapbox GL that I am using (I can explain the differences and reasons for
> using it as it is, but its probably now irrelevant).
> So, the test, all run in the same shell session:
> 1: Install dependencies (not 100% sure if all is needed, but that worked)
> sudo apt-get install qt5-default qtwayland5 curl automake libtool cmake
> python-pip libsqlite3-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite
> 2: clone the repo
> git clone https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native.git
> 3: prepare for build
> cd mapbox-gl-native
> mkdir build && cd build
> 4: build
> make mbgl-qt
> 5: run test (token will be sent separately)
> ./mbgl-qt -platform wayland
> The test application should display map of Helsinki. You should be able to
> zoom & pan the map.

that worked nicely:


now we have a rather simple test case where we can produce traces
from. Thanks a lot.
 -- Guido

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