[Librem-5-dev] MMCall objects from CallAdded signal

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Tue Jul 24 02:09:56 PDT 2018


>>> This means that the CallAdded D-Bus signal is emitted immediately while
>>> the PropertiesChanged D-Bus signal is emitted some time later, whenever
>>> the main loop becomes idle.  As a consequence, the MMModemVoice's
>>> "call-added" GObject signal is emitted before the MMModemVoice's call
>>> list contains the relevant MMCall object.
>> That should be easily fixed with a g_dbus_object_skeleton_flush() to
>> force the emission of the PropertiesChanged right away, after adding
>> the call object to the list and even before emitting the CallAdded
>> signal.
> Ah, even better, thanks! :-)

Tracking this as


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