[Librem-5-announce] Phosh 0.29.0 uploaded to landing and byzantium-updates-proposed

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Mon Jul 10 09:05:09 PDT 2023

As with earlier releases we have uploaded Phosh 0.29.0 to landing
(targeting crimson) and byzantium-updates-proposed (targeting the
current stable release byzantium). This allows you to try out the new
release before it becomes available to all Librem5 users via byzantium.

To enable the byzantium-updates-proposed suite on your device see

You then need to explicitly install phosh, phoc and
phosh-mobile-settings as documented in the above issue.

Please *only* do so if you feel comfortable with `apt` command line usage
and potentially recovering your phone via ssh (or reflashing). If in
doubt check in the librem5 community matrix room¹.

Please don't bother support with question related to this.

Release notes for this new Phosh (and related components) release are at

Issues can be reported to the respective repositories:


 -- Guido (on behalf of the Phosh maintainers)

1) https://matrix.to/#/#community-librem-5:talk.puri.sm

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