[Librem-5-announce] Phosh 0.32.0 uploaded to landing

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Fri Oct 6 09:48:56 PDT 2023

As with earlier releases we have uploaded Phosh 0.32.0 to landing
(targeting crimson) This allows you to try out the new release before it
becomes available to all users running PureOS Crimson.

To enable the landing suite on your device see

Note that you need to be on PureOS Crimson for that already which so far
is *only* the default release for the Librem 11.

You then need to explicitly install phosh, phoc and
phosh-mobile-settings as documented in the above issue.

Please *only* do so if you feel comfortable with `apt` command line usage
and potentially recovering your device via ssh (or reflashing). If in
doubt check in the librem5 community matrix room¹.

Please don't bother support with question related to this.

Release notes for this new Phosh (and related components) release are at

Issues can be reported to the respective repositories:


 -- Guido (on behalf of the Phosh maintainers)

1) https://matrix.to/#/#community-librem-5:talk.puri.sm

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